The Crucible's Fire

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She Said So Herself

Last year on this day in July I posted this on Facebook. this morning it came up on my timehop. It really was a watershed moment. I've missed her over the past four days.

Only 4 meds tonight

So, tonight we put Brynna to bed, it was uneventful. You know, only 4 meds tonight instead of 5; no shot today. Even on simple nights I'm sometimes reminded, and saddened a little, that normal for us is "how many meds are we giving tonight?". But times like this make that a short-lived thought ... you see when we brought her home they said she would never love, know love, show love, let alone speak love.

I love you, daddy

I've been trying for 10 years to get her say Daddy to no avail. It just isn't in the cards, I would think. Well, when we put her down tonight and the last medicine was in her GTube, water flush given and covers thrown up, I stood up and said, "I love you!" She looked up and signed, " I Love you Daddy".

I almost lost it. I think we scared her because Tammy and I screamed and clapped and praised her ... her eyes got big for a second as she hid her face, a bit embarrassed. Here's the other part ... she's been signing I Love you  ... and SAYING Momma for a bit now. Tonight, she did both ...

If you've ever had a child that was non-verbal you know what a big deal this was to us tonight. Once again, I can't believe how amazing God is ... He has blessed us with a window into  his mercy through this little angel. And once again, to the doctors who sent her home to die .... she wants you to know she loves her Momma and Daddy, she said so herself!

God may not have healed her, but He has healed a great deal in me through her. Love that kid.