The Crucible's Fire

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Love Is Lending a Hip

Love takes many forms; a cup of water, a meal, a hug, a smile. One of my most favorite opportunities to show love and support to some of our friends is lending a hip. No, seriously, that’s not a typo.

We attend church with a very precious couple who have two children and have adopted three more. They are all fairly young and require a great deal of love and attention.

Today in church we witnessed one of the sweetest things in the world, my heart could barely contain it. The dad sat in front of me doing what they always do: hold their girls during worship. Adult and child alike sang joyfully the praises of our Father into the ear of the other. As the young girl sang the words, “ I surrender … I want more of You” my heart melted. What a sweet picture of how Father holds me and sings His song over me every day.

It reminded me of some sweet moments I had with my mother as a boy (the last time I remember, I was 16!) sitting in her lap as she sang the songs of praise over me. I always felt peace, joy, and closeness for which I do not have words.

Every once in a while all three girls want to be held during the service. There’s only one problem: two parents plus three kids means they are one hip short! That’s where we come in.

Every once in a while one of the girls will ask me or my wife to step in be the worship-time support. We gladly oblige and listen to them sing His praises in our ears. We get hugs and they feel loved. These are sweet and precious moments.

Showing love and support to someone isn’t hard, but we need to be on the lookout for things that make a difference. Almost always they will make more of difference for you than they will for those you serve.

For us, sometimes showing love means lending a hip for a child to rest on, but we are the ones who almost always receive the biggest blessing.