The Crucible's Fire

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6 Days and Counting ...

The time has come. The wait is over. We have six short days, counting today, until my oldest daughter will take someone else’s name. The game will change forever. In a good way.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about her wedding being 25 days away and counting down fast. Today it’s only 6 and time is moving faster than my emotions can handle.

As I sit here looking over the ceremony notes and planning what I will say, where this part will go and that part will not, I realize I’ve spent the morning ugly crying like a junior high girl just dumped by her first boyfriend.

I hope they don’t think I disapprove just because I’m emotional. Quite the opposite. My feelings are all good, just strong.

This weekend I perused Genesis 2:24. You know the verse. It’s the one reminding me it is perfectly normal and Godly for a man and a woman to leave their parents and cling to each other. In the margin of my Bible I have written: “1+1+1=1”.

A man + a woman + God is what makes the one-flesh union work. That third element, the Holy Spirit, is the glue that binds two hearts together for a life-time of self-sacrifice and service to one another. He is what makes it possible to say with meaning, “for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

He is the power behind a strong marital union, and He is the reason my heart is full. So full it is running out of my eyes.

He is once again creating a beautiful picture of Himself and the church. Each marriage, each union of souls, paints an enduring image of the glorious love He has for His bride and the unity brought to us by His covenant.

It’s true when a daddy sees his daughter as an adult he still sees her as the five year old spinning in the sunbeams twirling her pig tails, but in his heart, he knows she is more than that. She is a Masterpiece crafted by the Master’s hand and prepared for her future.

He also knows, if he’s fortunate, the young man who will take his place as her #1 is also a gift from God. He will be pleased knowing she is in good hands.

Saturday evening all the flowers will be in place, the chairs lined up, the cake delivered, and the wedding party wondering if it begin soon. Friends will be gathered, family smiling, music playing and Dad will be crying.

Oh what an honor, what a pure privilege, to witness the birth of a family. When God woke Adam from his slumber and delivered to him, Eve, I wonder if He felt the same joy I feel to do the same for my new son.

I also wonder if Adam understood the weight of the responsibility he was given? I wonder … but I know this, God was pleased.

Throughout the creation story God ended each session with “and God saw that it was good.” All except one. When he made man He said it was NOT good … at least not good for him to be alone. So, he made woman. And then … then … He brought her to him.

God was the first one to give away his precious jewel to the caring hands and loving heart of her husband. Saturday I will re-enact this most holy of gifts, this spiritual act of worship and obedience as I pass her hand, her heart, and the shepherding of her soul to her new #1.

I’m sure God was filled with joy, peace, and love that day in the garden. And so am I.