The Crucible's Fire

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Life-Changing, Unseen Miracles of Minutia

Many of you out there come from a theological camp officially known as Cessationists, which believe some form or persuasion of the idea that the miraculous manifestations of the Spirit stopped either with the death of the apostles, the completion of the canon of Scripture, or some combination or variant. And you know what, that’s fine. I grew up in such a tradition myself; a tradition which taught me my love for the Word of God and developed in me the sheer awe of His Majesty and presence, instilling a deep love for holiness and an eternal connection with His Bride. You are my brothers and sisters.

But several years ago after much deep study, I began to see in the Word where these gifts, these wonders and miraculous happenings, were more than stories of which we could speak to remember a time long since gone, but a promise of provision and power given directly from Jesus Himself to what would become His budding Church; a promise to us. So, I began to pursue more than a deeper understanding but an actual experience of His incredible Power, which really is just a glimpse of His glory. I started praying and asking for BIG stuff, like for cancer to be healed (and once I did see that happen), for the lame to walk and the blind to see, just like I read in the Word.

I’ll be honest, outside of a few amazing stories, the big miraculous events aren’t something I see all the time. Some would say I don’t have enough faith, others I’ve embarked on a fool’s errand, still others that I seek the doctrines of devils. But what I do know is our limited humanity can grasp only the slightest glimpse of His immeasurable majesty, even if we gaze upon what to us would be the most magnificent of miracles or the most awe-inspiring manifestations.

Instead, I’ve learned to look beyond the outwardly grandiose for the unseen wonders, the miracles of minutia. Since Wednesday we’ve sat here with Brynna in a hospital room, taking turns to go home for some rest and refreshing hot showers. Even though it’s busy, you get lots of time to think; time to remember. Just a few hours ago I told the nurses a story of another time when Brynna was critically ill, right here in the same hospital, and how once again the Lord spared her and pulled her through.

We’ve prayed and prayed for sixteen years for God to miraculously heal her, straighten out her legs, give her words, repair her brain, and make her what we would consider “whole” and “normal”. Wouldn’t that make a grand spectacle of His glory and power to see her walk, talk, and run? Sure it would … but, these are not the only miracles He works through her, in us, and in you.

Today I thought of the untold numbers of people who have been encouraged in their faith by her stories of triumph and trial or renewed in their resolve to do hard things because of her courage. I thought of the hardened hearts made soft by her smile, the unity she’s brought to our family, and the encouragement she brings through raw strength and patience. Today I thought of how much she was loved by Eli and how God brought out a side of him rarely seen except when he was with her.

None of these make the pages of a theological journal, there’ll be no news stories or widespread coverage. They may show up in a blog here and there, or be a blurb in her second book, but it’s these seemingly little things, and many others like them, that are truly the unseen miracles that strengthen the body of Christ and enlarge its borders. I don’t know how you would put Brynna’s spiritual gifts on a “Spiritual Gift Inventory” test, but I think I’ll say she has the gift of perseverance and grace, maybe even evangelism!

Tonight I’m thankful, not just for the big things like her simply being alive, but for the tiny, unseen, life-changing works of wonder she brings to light in others every single day. Love you, kiddo.