Foster Adoptive Care: Because Sometimes You Need a Mulligan as Much As They Do

Foster Adoptive Care: Because Sometimes You Need a Mulligan as Much As They Do

Have you ever wished you could go back and do something over again? Maybe make some different decisions, shuffle priorities, or handle situations more appropriately? In some ways, foster and adoptive care gives the opportunity to apply what the Lord has taught you as you age. Perhaps with enough repetitions, we’ll get it right one day.

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Beauty for Ashes
Foster / Adoption Matt Parker Foster / Adoption Matt Parker

Beauty for Ashes

Just over a week ago a new foster placement came to our home. He is five. It feels weird to call a child a “placement,” but that is the term. He is small and lovable. As I stated in last week’s post, each new face brings to mind the heaviness of a world broken since that fateful act of disobedience in the garden. However, from time to time, out of the ashes of abuse and neglect we are privileged … no, blessed and humbled … to see a flower of life and redemption sprout where once there was only desolation.

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Then There Were Seven
Foster / Adoption Matt Parker Foster / Adoption Matt Parker

Then There Were Seven

The first day they drop off a child at your home who has been in foster care is hard. You know something bad has happened or they wouldn’t be there. You don’t yet know the details, and truly they don’t matter at this point. A child needs a safe and stable place to sleep and that, you can provide.

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Expectations and Perspective
Matt Parker Matt Parker

Expectations and Perspective

If there is one thing I have learned as a foster / adoptive parent it is that my perspective is often wrong, or at least different. By often I mean almost always, it seems. As we prepared to go on a short little vacation with our boys, we started noticing strange questions, packing sequences that didn't make sense, and other oddities. It didn't take long to realize that once again, our perspective was off. I'll explain what I mean by sharing some conversations we had before and during our vacation.

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