Our Story

How it all started...

In 2017 we lead our home church, where I had pastored for 10 years, to dissolve and merge with a sister church across the street. During that transition we felt the Lord leading us into discipleship ministry ... what that would look like we had no idea.

Shortly after the merger, I found myself in a small group with three young couples. The wives approached me about Bible Studies for women. However, they didn't want "Put on Lipstick for Jesus" watered down fluff, they wanted to study the Word for themselves. So we went to work on our first publication; The 3x5 Bible Study Guide.

This Study Guide walks the reader through in-depth Bible Study in bite-sized chunks of their choosing; 5 Verses a Day, for 5 Days, over 5 Weeks ... hence the 3x5! After leading a group of 50+ women in 5 different states and on 2 continents in a Facebook Group study using the new guide, we new we had to do more!

Expanding the vision...

The hunger our students showed for learning how to study the Word of God for themselves lit a fire that burns to this day! We have helped thousands of believers over the past 7 years learn to transform their quiet time to in-depth Bible Study with our easy-to-follow workshop, Or-thot-om-eo.

Or-thot-om-eo comes from 2 Timothy 2:15. It means to "cut straight" or "rightly divide" the Word of Truth. The Crucible's Fire has been privileged to lead workshops in-person in churches, online via Zoom, in three different countries, and on two continents. 

Where we are headed...

As the Lord continued to grow our Bible Study Workshop both in-person and online, we saw an opportunity to reach people in exponential numbers through digital ministry. Each Friday at Noon Central we host the Friday LIVE! Bible Study Podcast where we discuss current topics and help viewers develop Kingdom Vision.

2024 has also seen the launch of two new Apps; one, named The Crucible's Fire, for media and groups and another to serve as a digital learning platform called The Crucible's Fire Academy. Both apps are available in the App Store of your choice.

We also hope to see 2024 and 2025 see the addition of a three day Kingdom Leadership Conference built on the foundation of The Crucible, our Kingdom Leadership Training Workshop. Many exciting things are happening at The Crucible's Fire

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Friday for Friday LIVE! at Noon Central or schedule us for an in-person Bible Study Workshop or Conference.